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Lawrence County Ohio Animal Shelter
1302 Adams Lane,
OH, 45638 Phone: 740-533-1736
E-mail: lawrencecountyanimalshelter@lawrencegov.org
Opening Hours:
10am - 4pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
Who we are
Ironton Pet Shelter displays animals needing homes at Lawrence County Animal Shelter and Lawrence County Humane Society in the area of Ironton, South Ohio.
Ironton Pet Shelter was operated by Lawrence County Humane Society until the disaster of 9/11 when donations ceased. Our thanks to Peg and Jody Crowe and Gay Wise for saving the lives of dogs and cats.
Lawrence County Humane Society Ohio
The Lawrence County Humane Society of Ohio is a nonprofit organization that aids in animal rescue and spaying/neutering. We are currently expanded our horizons and looking for helpful volunteers of all ages that care for animals and their safety. We exist to promote animal health and rescue. If interested in learning more about us and our cause, we meet the last Monday of every month at 5:30pm at the Lawrence County Museum, 506 S 6th St, Ironton, OH 45638 (on the corner of 6th and Adams Street). Please join the fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. We do not operate the Lawrence County Animal Shelter/Dog Pound. If you are willing to foster an animal (look after it in your home temporarily), please let us know by phoning 740-532-3525.
Our mailing address is PO Box 412, Ironton, OH 45638
See information about the Lawrence County Humane Society Ohio on their Facebook Page
Lost your dog?
Some of the stray dogs are featured on the Lawrence County Ohio Animal Shelter Facebook Page but not all are put here so contact the shelter if you have lost your dog.
Find the right dog for you
When looking for that new family member please remember to really think about the things you and your family want and need
in a pet that fits the family lifestyle. Get to know your breeds! Some breeds require more space, exercise and circumstances
than others. Even if you are going to adopt a mixed breed, look into what it's primary breed needs in a home,
environment and exercise. Your new family member needs to be wanted by everyone in the family and included
in your daily lives to be truly happy.
Click here for more information on how to find the right dog.
We have many animals at the shelter that are available to be fostered (given a temporary home until we find it a permanent home).
- Digs thrive in calm safe spaces accompanied by humans to keep them entertained.
- We learn more about their character which makes it easier to find them a home.
- You can foster for a few days or a few weeks.
- We can customize your experience.
- Food and supplies provided.

Visiting Lawrence County Ohio Animal Shelter
Please phone us on to check that the dog you want to visit is still available.
Location Map of Lawrence County Ohio Animal Shelter
Cats Needing Homes
Please take the time to check out all the nice young kittens and cats
kittens and cats here.
Please contact us for more information about the cats available for adoption.